Maximize Your Personal Potential

This course helps you develop your Personal Potential by learning about and applying Self-Actualization principles. You will be given a personal coach and an opportunity to develop your skills with your own mentors.   You will develop your networking skills by learning how to participate in Collaborative Information Networks (CIN) especially the Global Soul Wellness Network. Participants will work through the topics in groups of 3 or 4 with each participant studying at their level of development. Students will be put into groups after an interview, which is a prerequisite for the course.  Through a Discovery Report and InterACTION Guide you will gain a greater understanding in how to relate to other people. GSW network and a variety of other resources will be used as course materials, with options chosen by participants and approved by your coach. The course covers the following topics: 

  • Mental Health
  • Securing your Identity
  • Soul Wellness Topics
  • Personal Wellness
  • Personal Relationships
  • Personal Business
  • Individual Options
Equine Facilitated Personal Development Addition
Horses are known to assist people with emotional support and learning. Working outside with horses can be therapeutic and a great form of self-care. This addition to our course is designed to give participants 10 equine lessons so that they can evaluate whether Equine Facilitated Personal Development is something they want to pursue in the future.  

Additional Instructional hours: 10
Additional cost is TBA depending on Travel Costs etc.

Equine Facilitated Personal Assistant Addition
This addition to our course is designed to give participants 20 equine lessons so that they can assist others with Equine Facilitated Personal Development.

Additional Instructional hours: 20
Additional cost is TBA depending on Travel Costs etc.

At the completion of the course you will have a plan and a strategy to reach your Personal Potential.  You will get a certificate of completion and opportunity to participate CIN alumni networks. The course provides 21 hours of instruction and is delivered in the following ways:

  1. Individualized Instruction: An initial meeting (in person or via online communication) will be held to go over course expectations and individual plans to complete the course by online mentoring and instruction.
  2. Distance Learning: Mentoring, Instruction and Meetings to take place online.
  3. Classroom Instruction: In person meetings, mentoring and instruction with some online assignments.

Cost: A Tuition of $600.00 is required for any of the delivery methods mentioned above.
Cost for Course Materials is $300

If you are employed in Canada your employer can apply to the Canada Job Grant Program (Alberta) for funding to take the course.

To Register: Email

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